Acupressure is a type of bodywork that involves pressing specific points on the body with finger, knuckles and palms to relieve pain, reduce stress and to promote good health. It is a 5000 years old Chinese healing method used to cure many common problems. Traditional Chinese medicines view health as the constantly changing flow of vital energy throughout the body. If that flow is affected, it causes illness.
The goal of acupressure is to release the blocked energy and to maintain the proper flow by simulating specific points. These points are called acupoints. Flow of proper energy through the affected body part that is feeling discomfort, enables it to heal itself readily. Energy is not a stagnant thing, and if found stagnant it affects the whole balance, strength, and equilibrium of the body. This is understood in acupressure and therefore the therapy insists and works by finding the energy pockets that are stagnated and distributes it all over the body to give the body a new lease of life.
A treatment last from 15 minutes to an hour depending upon the conditions. Patient has to sit or lie on the massage table during this treatment. The therapist will then locate the acupoints related to the problem and work on that. For example pressing a point on top of the foot may cause the relief in migraine. Each acupoint is pressed for 3 to 10 seconds. The points are pressed and released repeatedly which removes the blockage in energy flow. After the treatment patient feels relaxed but he should not feel pain. Within three to eight hours he will come to know whether treatment is working or not.
There are different types of acupressure. Each practitioner can use different kind of technique like Japanese or Chinese. Patient should choose a therapist with whom he/she is comfortable as it includes massage. It’s better to have a phone conversation with that person before visiting. Once learned, it can be performed on oneself or friend. The acupressure therapy could be done by an individual but there are limitations and warning signs, mainly the points to be noted are, never press any open wound, swollen or inflamed skin, a bruise, surgery scar, or a broken bone and never ever use an area having tumor and for sure the pressure should not be applied directly over lymph nodes and finally, certain points should be avoided during pregnancy.
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