Acupressure is a Chinese alternative medicine treatment that is closely related to acupuncture. Acupressure does not involve needles, but instead uses the application of pressure to the pressure points in the body to promote healing.
The pressure points used in acupressure are points in the body that correspond to different parts of the body. These pressure points are also seen as energy points where the basic energy of the universe works within the body. In Chinese this energy is referred to as chi.
The idea of basic acupressure is to balance the chi in the body to help promote health. It is believed that when the chi in the body is balanced and flowing smoothly that a person is healthy and in good condition. If the chi is not balanced or flowing smoothly then that is seen as the reason behind illness and bad health.
A scientific reasoning for how acupressure works is that the stimulation of pressure points releases endogenous opioid analgesics that naturally work to alleviate pain. However, traditional science does not back acupressure’s effectiveness nor recognize it as a viable treatment method.
Some studies have shown the effectiveness of acupressure on certain areas of the body and in certain treatments. It has been found that acupressure treatments for nausea seem to be effect as well as treatments for lower back pain.
Acupressure involves the practioner to be well experienced and knowledgeable about the pressure points in the body. There are numerous pressure points. The practioner needs to understand the way each pressure point relates to the other areas of the body. The amount of pressure applied is also important in administering acupressure treatments.
Acupressure is more than simply pressing on some areas of the body. It is a very well defined area of treatment. Practioners study for many years and practice the techniques to become skilled enough to provide effective acupressure treatments.
Many people choose to use acupressure over acupuncture due to the fact that acupressure does not use needles. The fear of needles is a main reason why many people avoid acupuncture but then easily take to acupressure.
The non-evasive feature of acupressure has helped it to become more mainstream. It was once a strict Chinese method of alternative health treatment, but today it is possible to find acupressure practioners all over the world. That makes it quite easy for anyone, anywhere to get the benefits acupressure has to offer.
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