The Rachael Ray show recently did a segment on anti-aging tips and discussed the benefits of acupuncture facials with the Derma Roller. It was discovered that the derma roller actions were based on the concept of ancient oriental acupuncture. The results were a reduction of the appearance of wrinkles, lines, black heads, and white heads. The derma roller is also proven to remove stretch marks and is one of the best ways for removing acne scars.
The benefits of the roller acupuncture facial are compared to results from laser therapy, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion. While each individual might get slightly different results, everyone experiences some positive benefits from the derma roller facial.
And, the best part using the roller is much less invasive with less risks and complications than the other anti-aging treatments listed above and is much cheaper. This type of acupuncture facial can be done at home, for just pennies a session.
How does it work? The roller has 192 micro-points that opens the pores of the skin which sets off the natural healing process thus causing extra collagen to be produced - up to 1000% more. Another benefit is the maximum absorption of your best face cream if applied right after a session. Studies show that creams are up to 40 times more than without the roller.
What's even better is the derma roller is guaranteed and is FDA approved for skin rejuvenation, as a scar remover, and for stretch mark treatment. You can see the Rachael Ray interview with a leading dermatologist at the link below.
Linda Robsion
See the Rachael Ray Show Clip here.
For more great information and tips on how to tighten and lift the skin, reduce pore size, improve skin tone, and regain the youthful contours of the face -- all done in your own home. Please visit
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