Every day there are people who have decided to quit smoking but end up failing. If you are one of those people the problem is that you may not be addressing the smoking problem from the best viewpoint. There are really three different fronts in the war on smoking. First, you’ve got to deal with the physical addiction of nicotine. Despite the fact that nicotine is an extremely addictive chemical substance, there are actually some good ways to fight on this front. Most people are familiar with the nicotine patches, gums, and sprays. The basic idea of all of these alternatives is that you replace the nicotine in cigarettes and gradually cut down the amount of nicotine that you consume. As far as your physical health goes, this is really a great alternative because the nicotine substitutes do allow you to stop ingesting the hundreds of harmful chemicals in cigarettes. So, even if it takes you a long time to reduce your nicotine intake you are actually taking a more healthy approach to life. One word of caution about these substitutes is that you should consult with a physician if you are a woman who is either pregnant or breast feeding. An alternative substitute is niacinamide because it has chemical similarities to nicotine. It can be helpful in addition to nicotine substitutes or after discontinuing the use of the substitutes. Niacinamide is the amide of niacin as is known by the common name vitamin B3. Go to a certified nutritionist to determine the proper dose to take.
However, many people start smoking again even though they have tried using the nicotine substitute and/or niacinamide products. So there must be another factor involved in smoking. These factors are psychological and habitual. Basically, it’s the reinforcement that you get by lighting up a cigarette after a meal or during other periods of enjoyment or stress. It’s that “this is a good thing” feeling that gets implanted into your subconscious mind. And therein lies the problem. The struggle is at the subconscious level, Your brain says, “I shouldn’t be doing this.” At the same time the subconscious says that you need to do it, and, in this battle the subconscious wins.
A lot of smokers describe a calming effect that they receive from smoking. That is one of the reasons that the nicotine substitutes by themselves are not so effective. There is an extremely effective protocol for dealing with all types of addiction that has been developed by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA). This protocol has been extremely effective when used for heroin, cocaine, alcohol, and other addictions, and it is extremely effective for smoking addiction. It involves the use of acupuncture needles in five locations in each ear. The five locations are derived from classical Chinese Medicine theory for the treatment of addiction and involve reinforcing the energy in the lungs, liver, and heart, as well as calming spirit. A skilled NADA certified acupuncturist can insert the acupuncture needles painlessly. Then you just sit and relax for about twenty minutes. This treatment may need to be repeated a few times a week depending on the severity of your smoking addiction. People with addictions report that they feel better both physically and mental after being treated with the NADA protocol. In addition, they report a feeling of calmness that replaces the need for the addictive behavior. You can find a certified NADA practitioner in your area by contacting NADA directly at (360) 245-0186 or NADAOffice@acudetox.com.
The greatest results with the NADA protocol are achieved in conjunction with counseling programs. Ultimately this counseling is directed at the struggle with the sub-conscious mind. This brings up the Law of Attraction. You may be familiar with this term from the movie, “The Secret.” Wikipedia characterizes this as “if you really want something and truly believe it’s possible, you’ll get it.” This really is a mischaracterization of the Law of Attraction as originally taught in 1913 by Charles F. Haanel in his Master Key System. This system is a 24 week course that teaches you how to make the Law of Attraction work for you in your life. Essentially the course teaches that things manifest in your life through the incredible power of the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the tool for directing the action of the subconscious mind, and one of its most powerful tools is visualization. This is easy to say, but far less easy to implement. The real power of The Master Key System is that during the 24 lessons, one per week, you incorporate the full training into your subconscious mind. You really do learn to direct the subconscious mind.
In the smoker’s battle there are some tools that attempt to deal with the subconscious like hypnosis and audio CDs. Sometimes they work, but often they don’t. What could be better than a tool that teaches you to effectively direct your subconscious mind? That is The Master Key System. For it to work, though, you’ve got to do it, and that means reading about ten pages of text for five days each week and doing a few minutes of exercises. At the end of the week you answer ten questions about that lesson and then get the next lesson. That continues for 24 total weeks, and that’s what makes it really work. There are many versions of The Master Key System on the internet. Be sure you get one that follows the one lesson per week format taught by Charles F. Haanel. If you just get all the lessons and read them, you won’t get much benefit. Be patient. An old Chinese proverb says, “In hurrying there are no sure steps.” Remember that you goal is to give up smoking forever. By the way, you will see that The Master Key System will change your whole life for the better.
So, by combining nicotine substitutes, niacinamide, the NADA protocol, and The Master Key System you will have the tools you need to effectively beat the smoking habit and make positive changes in your life.
Ron Morefield