Everyone knows, migraines are terrible. The pounding and pressure really can be very severe and greatly impact your life.
But, there is hope, acupuncture can help by relieving the pain from migraines. And recently, the research is supporting this idea.
The Metanalysis: A recent metanalysis of 31 studies, in the journal Anesthesia & Analgesia, showed that acupuncture was more effective than both medication and placebo acupuncture for headache relief. For those who do not know, a metanalysis is a more definitive study which examines many many previously performed studies. The studies showed that acupuncture was stronger than placebo acupuncture for reducing headaches, and even stronger than medication for reducing headache frequency, intensity, and overall physical function.
Top five reasons acupuncture works to treat migraines.
Acupuncture is quite amazing at treating migraines, but it is not magic. The practice is rooted in a clinical history of over 2000 years, in which physicians and scholars wrote and discussed the best way to heal their patients. There are also many physiological reasons acupuncture regulates the nervous system to relieve pain.
1. Correcting the root imbalance:
The body is amazing at healing itself. When there is an imbalance, it can cause long term illnesses and pain. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine work by correcting these imbalances in the body. Once the imbalance is corrected, the body can then works to heal itself. Each personĂ¢€™s imbalance is different and the diagnosis must be based on your specific symptoms.Healing can only happen when the body is in balance.
Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment is individualized to your specific symptoms. For example, in women, migraines are often associated with your period. So characteristics of your period, such as bloating, breast tenderness, and abdominal pain will factor into the diagnosis.
Correcting the root imbalance is certainly the most powerful reason that acupuncture works for migraines. But there are compelling physiological reasons as well.
2. Regulate areas of brain for pain-
Studies of acupuncture show that acupuncture works to regulate pain centers of the brain. In one study of acupuncture and carpel tunnel syndrome pain, an fMRI scan of the brain showed that acupuncture actually changed the way the brain perceived pain and regulates parts of the brain that are in charge of controlling pain. So in fact it changes the way we perceive the pain.
3. Release of Neurotransmitters that relieve pain-
Acupuncture also stimulates the release of neurotransmitters which relax the body and decrease pain.
4. Relax the body-
In migraine headaches, there is a terrible cycle of tension and pain. The muscles tense up in reaction to the pain and then the pain causes the muscles to tense up more. This cycle of pain further exasperates the decreased blood flow to and from the skull, which is one of the causes of migraines. Acupuncture cuts off this cycle of tension and pain by relaxing the muscles and relieving tension.
5. Relax the mind-
Acupuncture is a very relaxing experience. Most people feel very calm during the treatment and this lasts for a period of time afterwards. Over time, treatment helps influence you to be a calmer person and increase your ability to deal with stress. This is because Chinese medicine does not separate the body and the mind. The mind influences the body, and the body influences the mind. So in treating the body we also relax the mind.
What is treatment like?
An effective acupuncture treatment is based upon a specific and accurate diagnosis. It is important to find the precise root imbalance of the condition and by asking in depth questions, taking your pulse, and examining your body. Combining acupressure, Chinese medicine massage, with the acupuncture to create greater results and a stronger sense of relaxation. Usually people will feel relief after only a few weekly visits.
Joseph Alban, L.Ac.
Joseph Alban, L.Ac. is a New York State licensed acupuncturist and Chinese medicine practitioner. He helps people with chronic pain and illness through individualized diagnosis and treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine-acupuncture, herbs and tui na (acupressure). He specializes in pain reduction such as back pain, shoulder pain, migraine headaches, chronic prostatitis, and chronic pelvic pain syndrome. For more information, please go to http://www.AlbanAcupuncture.com or call 917.887.4946.
1 comment:
Last week I had an attack of migraine and I can understand that how it feels when you are having such pity situation and unable to find peace in your mind and in the end have the only option to call Chiropractor North Ryde to get you rid of the pain you are suffering from.
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