Our bodies are not only electrical in nature, but they have positive and negative poles. There should be balance established between them, if health is also to become established. Acupuncture is a proven system used for thousands of years, by the Orient, to create a continuous smooth flow of energy throughout the body by contacting various points; the acupuncture points. These points are located on pathways related to organs and glands called meridians. Contact of these points is established by insertion of steel needles called acupuncture needles.
An acupuncturist first identifies disturbances in the various body areas and, with the help of needles, aims to change and restore the distorted flow of energy. Once balance is restored, the body can repair itself. Acupuncture may, or may not, require more than one treatment - but usually does need some time and treatment in order to be most effective. The reversal of symptoms and repair can begin to take place immediately but the longer the number of treatments the sooner the return to normality is,
In the approach of oriental medicine, simply meridian point therapy without a consideration for the etiology and constitution which induce symptoms cannot exist. This does not necessarily mean that good results cannot be obtained by using only the appropriate points according to symptoms and/or disease. As a matter of fact, even less experienced practitioners can expect safe therapeutic results as long as certain principles are followed.
Main and secondary points are selected and used by various therapists according to their choices. The stimulation of these points can be used not only for treating specific disorders, but also as a form of preventive and maintenance care. However, in the following cases acupuncture is generally contraindicated: immediately after exercise, one hour before or after bathing, during an infectious disease, hemophilia, tetanus and during pregnancy; stimulation of lower back and abdomen.
Generally, the number of points used in any one session is up to forty. But many more points can be used. During the initial treatment, usually the number of points selected for treatment is considerably less. Fewer points are also selected for treatment when children or infants are treated. Various stimulation techniques can be applied on meridian points such as acupuncture, electrical acupuncture, moxibustion, acupressure and magnetic ball pressure patch and the latest addition of auricular acupuncture developed in 1950s by the French scholar Dr. Paul Nogier.
Medical doctors of all kinds, nurses, dentists, physiotherapists, acupuncturists and other professional therapists are learning the art of acupuncture for their patients. Over the last 20 years, acupuncture has grown in popularity. And relatively very few complications as a result of the use of acupuncture have ever been reported to the FDA, considering the millions of people that are treated each year. There have been many studies on acupuncture’s usefulness as a treatment. Results have emerged looking promising. Acupuncture is a part of the large body of the Traditional Chinese System or TCM that includes Chinese herbal medicine, nutritional therapy, physical exercises, meditation, acupuncture and remedial massage.
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