Thursday, January 8, 2009

How Safe Are Acupuncture and Other Forms of Chinese Medicine?

Chinese medicine including acupuncture is gaining in popularity as an alternate form of medicine in the Western world for therapy resistant diseases. Chinese treatment methods are ancient and have been practiced for more than 2000 years.

These methods are belief based in contrast to the scientific based traditional medicine of the Western world. The belief that a cosmic energy or Chi flows through the body and disease and pain is caused by this flow being blocked or taken out of balance in one way or another has been held for centuries along with the use of this therapy.

Chinese medicine requires the use of herbs to restore the flow of Chi while acupuncture uses needles to restore this flow and cure illness. The insertion of needles into specific points in the skin and external ear are carefully and skillfully done by an acupuncturist as a way to treat ailments.

These forms of treatment have been challenged as being a farce and possibly not as safe as they claim to be. Scientific studies have been done to prove the efficacy.

Risks Involved with Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Treatment

The risks associated with acupuncture are greatly tied to the handling of the needles. If the needle is not placed with care the needles can cause fainting, infections, bruising and other risks. Care prior to placement is also important; if the needles are not clean, disease can be spread instead of cured. Hepatitis B and AIDS as well as other conditions can result from using needles that aren't sterile. Skin disease and nerve damage can be a result of using a poorly trained acupuncturist. It is important to check the credentials of your acupuncturist; studies have shown this treatment method to be free of these risks when it is performed by a trained physician.


The FDA has not fully approved the standards of Chinese medicine and acupuncture. The needles used are recommended as single use only. Although many hold a certification of acupuncture very few have the ability to practice it safely; others are out to make money and aren't concerned with the people who are hurt along their road to riches.

Acupuncture has been declared an unproven means of treatment with primitive and false means of healing by the National Council Against Health Fraud. The positive effects from acupuncture are considered to be mostly a placebo effect.

Researchers are finding favorable results with Chinese herbal medicine. Studies have shown that Chinese herbal remedies rarely have adverse reactions and are highly effective. The safety of these herbs is much greater than the pharmaceuticals that are being used by traditional Western medicine. Traditional and Modern Chinese herbal formulas are available commercially in America.

Chinese herbal medications are used to treat disease and disorders including gynecological, psychological, addictive and other disorders, along with pain, respiratory disease and allergies.

Pregnant women, children and other people of all ages and physical conditions can take some Chinese herbal medicines without risks. Prior to taking any remedies you should always discuss it with your medical care team or physician to make certain to avoid any reactions with remedies and medications you are already taking.

Christopher W Smith

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