Acupuncture as a career can be a practice you can enjoy for a lifetime. You might be thinking about a career in acupuncture. Acupuncture is particularly effective at relieving or treating chronic muscle pain, stress, and PMS just to name a few symptoms. In most states in the United States as well as in many other countries, training and certification are required in order to practice acupuncture.
Smaller classes tend to encourage greater discussion between students and teachers, and can foster improved learning. See if your state is on the national list of about 50 acupuncture schools with accredited programs. You want to opt for an acupuncture school whose program emphasizes courses in traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is just one part of the traditional Chinese medicine.
Acupuncture school education and training requirements can total from 2500 to 4000 credit hours. You may want to find an acupuncture school that offers small classes. First of all you want to find out what the school and program options are in your area.
Acupuncture schools may offer the science and the philosophy of acupuncture also. For naturopathy schools that do offer acupuncture programs see the List of Accredited Natural Medicine Colleges in North America. And check with your selected school. It's important that you have a wide selection of study resources available to you so you can have the literature that is essential for a broad learning experience.
Talk to the financial aid counselors at the acupuncture school or college you're considering and ask if they have any suggestions for scholarships, grants or loans. Internships in acupuncture take place in acupuncture clinics or clinical settings, usually in the third year.
In order to qualify for federal assistance, be sure to enroll in a school that is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM). One good textbook to take a look at in advance of your decision is: "The Foundations of Chinese Medicine" a comprehensive text for acupuncturists and herbalists by Maciocia, 528pp. 96 Illustrations, published by Harcourt in 1989. Take a look at acupuncture schools in your home town area first; it will considerably cut down your expenses if you can study near your home.
Consider contacting your local organizations and health organizations to see if they know of any that might be available. The economic burden may be lessened with financial aid in the form of federal student loans.
Acupuncture is also used for arthritis, headaches, migraine headaches, quitting smoking, weight loss, fertility, fibromyalgia, depression, insomnia, face lifts as in facial acupuncture, back pain, high blood pressure, pregnancy, cosmetic purposes, anxiety, Crohn's disease, asthma, and for dogs and other animals as in veterinary acupuncture.
As an acupuncturist you could choose to have a cosmetic acupuncture or facial acupuncture practice or a veterinary acupuncture clinic. Once you're licensed or practicing acupuncture as a student in training, never attempt to use acupuncture to treat potentially life-threatening symptoms such as extreme shortness of breath or chest pain. You need to refer these patients to their doctor. Keep your allopathic doctor or your naturopathic doctor informed about any alternative medical technique or procedure you undertake.
Helen Hecker
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