Friday, May 22, 2009

How an Acupuncture Point Diagram Helps Diagonize Disease

Acupuncture was discovered in ancient China more than 3000 years ago. This technique actually involves penetrating thin metallic needles into skin by the hands or with help of electric stimulation. According to this Chinese theory energy flows through vital acupuncture points. Acupuncture is used as alternative treatment for chronic respiratory diseases and eye disorders.

All these Acupuncture points are denotes in the Acupuncture point diagram. This point diagram describes the all points present in various body parts. These Acupuncture point diagrams can have description of points present in single part of body like. Acupuncture points diagram of ear will describe all points present on ear.

These acupuncture points are points along the meridians from which energy flows. Energy flow is manipulated depending upon condition and type of diseases. With help of needles freeing of energy flow is done. All these Acupuncture points are mapped across 14 major meridian lines. Entire list of meridians are complete mapping of body structure and functions by points along the ears, nose, in scalp or on hand, on the hand or on feet and at wrists and ankles. Some acupuncture points showed on Acupuncture point diagram are described as follows:

Point Number 36 of 45 on stomach meridian; this point is located on front side of leg , below the knee, treatment on this point helpful for digestive disorders, nausea, vomiting, abdominal distention and bellyache. It is also helpful for curing general weakness. Recent studies shows that this single point demonstrating positive effect in treatment against anemia, immune system deficiency, fatigue and many more diseases.

Point Number 7 of 9 on heart meridian: This point is located on outer side wrist. This point is used for treatment against the mental disorders like disturbing dreams, absent-mindedness, hysteria, insomnia, depression, mental illness and agitation. This point is also used in treatment for heart diseases and fatigue.

Point Number 20 of 28 on governing vessel: this point is located at the top of head; traditionally this point was used in treatments against various mental disorders and problems which occur in head like vertigo, headache, nasal obstruction, difficulty in speech and many more. This point is also used to treat prolepsis of rectum and uterus. A seventh cervical vertebra is used for treating neck and upper back problems, cough, asthma, convulsions, feverish diseases and common cold.

All Acupuncture points diagrams depicts the primary acupuncture points on the body. You can even choose the acupuncture point diagram that allows you to quickly locate points and to learn more about their specific energies. These Acupuncture points diagrams shows you how to locate gates of energy flow and source points of acupuncture.

Many different Acupuncture points diagram charts are available in market or even on internet. You can have chart that will have diagram that will show points present on whole body or specific body parts like ears, legs, face and all body parts. You can even have a set which will contain collections of different charts to know more about the acupuncture points present on different body parts.

Muna wa Wanjiru

Muna wa Wanjiru Has Been Researching and Reporting on Acupuncture for Years. For More Information on Acupuncture Point Diagram, Visit His Site at ACUPUNCTURE POINT DIAGRAMI Will Also Highly Appreciate Your Views On Acupuncture Point Diagram At My Blog here

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Acupuncture Point Diagram

An acupuncture point diagram shows the various parts of the body which can be punctured during a complimentary treatment session. The main aim of this type of diagram is to pin point specific places along the meridian form which positive energy flows in a person's body. Once these points have been located with the aid of this kind of diagram, then the energy flow can be manipulated accordingly so as to relieve a person of the disorder or illness they have been diagnosed with.

Acupuncture point diagrams are of various types. There are those that are specific to one part of the body such as the ears, legs etc. There are also those that show the entire mapping of the body's meridian. they enable an acupuncturist to quickly locate the correct pressure points for effective treatment. These charts will also enable one to know the different acupuncture points found on different body parts.

Acupuncture point diagrams are available in the market. The Internet is also one of the places where one can obtain this kind of diagrams. They are an essential tool for acupuncturists as well as people who would like to learn how different meridian points affect different illnesses and functions of their bodies.

These diagrams are an asset to acupuncturists and their patients. By using them, the acupuncturist is able to treat their patients well. The patients are also able to achieve their much desired results. They can also be a source of information to those willing to learn about acupuncture.

Peter Gitundu

Peter Gitundu Researches and Reports on Acupuncture. For More Information on Acupuncture Point Diagram, Visit His Site at ACUPUNCTURE POINT DIAGRAM. You Can Also Add Your Views About Acupuncture Point Diagram At My Blog here ACUPUNCTURE POINT DIAGRAM

Monday, May 18, 2009

Acupuncture Meridian Chart

An acupuncture meridian chart is a chart that gives the specific pressure points for specific body parts. This is to ensure that pressure is put onto the correct pressure points. When this is correctly done, the desired effects are achieved. This could be relief from certain pains and aches, diseases, or reversal of certain conditions.

The body of a person has twelve meridian points. These can be described as the main doorways to a human body. This means that there are acupuncture meridian charts for each and every specific part of the body. some of them are listed below.

The lung meridian, The large intestine meridian, the stomach meridian, the spleen meridian, urinary bladder meridian, gall bladder meridian, and many others. When pressure is applied to any of these meridians, the specific diseases or disorders related to various meridians are cured. This makes acupuncture meridian charts an important tool for acupuncturists. They help the practitioners to know the exact point to apply needle pressure depending on the disease or complication being treated.

The lung meridian has eleven points according to this chart. When needle pressure is applied to these points, relief from respiratory problems such as cough, asthma, tonsillitis and many others. The large intestine meridian has twenty points. When appropriate needle pressure is applied to these points, diseases such as back pain, shoulder pain, sore throat and others can be cured. With the aid of acupuncture charts, various diseases and disorders can be cured. this makes this kind of charts very beneficial to both the practitioners and patients alike. They both achieve the results that they desire.

Peter Gitundu

Peter Gitundu Researches and Reports on Acupuncture. For More Information on Acupuncture Meridian Chart, Visit His Site at Acupuncture Meridian Chart. You Can Also Add Your Views About Acupuncture Meridian Chart At My Blog here ACUPUNCTURE MERIDIAN CHART.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

How Acupuncture Meridian Chart Specifies the Location of Meridian Points

The human body has a powerful bio energy flows that can be traced to 12 meridian points. These are the main door ways of the human body. An acupuncture treatment in these meridians will help to get relief from number of diseases. Acupuncture meridian chart helps to understand various meridian points and the diseases cured by giving treatment in these areas.

The lung meridian according to Acupuncture meridian chart has 11 points. The needle pressure in the points helps to get relief from respiratory problems like cough, Asthma, Tonsillitis, respiratory failure and so on.

The large intestine meridian has 20 points. The diseases like back pain, shoulder pain, sore throat, febrile diseases etc can be cured by selecting any of these 20 points and giving acupuncture treatment there. Even coma can be cured by giving treatment in Large intestine meridian.

The Acupuncture meridian chart specifies treatment to number of diseases by giving treatment in the stomach meridian. The stomach meridian has 45 points and this is the second largest meridian in the human body. Paralysis, rheumatism, abdominal pain, dysentery, anorexia, diarrhea and much more diseases are cured by getting acupuncture treatment in stomach meridian.

The spleen meridian has 21 acupuncture points. The Acupuncture meridian chart listed some of the diseases cured by giving treatment to these points. They are abdominal distention, numbness, chilliness in leg and knee, hernia, diarrhea, pain in ankle joints and so on.

The heart meridian has 9 points. The acupuncture treatment in these 9 points will give relief from pain in shoulder and arm, insomnia, sleeping disorders, anxiety, and hysteria and so on. The acupuncture treatment given in these points can also help a patient to recover from coma.

The small intestine meridian has 19 points. Joint pains, neck pains, facial paralysis, tooth ache, deafness, sore throat, shoulder pain etc will be cured by giving treatment in small intestine meridian.

The urinary bladder meridian has 67 acupuncture points. This is the most important and prominant meridian point in the human body. The acupuncture treatment in these points will help to get relief from problem in head to bottom. Headache, sprains, dysentery, constipation, paralysis and other number of diseases can be cured by pressing these points with a fine needle.

The kidney meridian has 27 acupuncture points. Diseases like constipation, dysentery, hernia, abdominal pain and mental disorders like hysteria can be cured by giving treatment in these points.

The pericardium meridian has 9 points. Insomnia, wrist pain, joint pain, malaria, tuberculosis, chest pain etc will be cured with the help of these points.

The gall bladder meridian has 44 acupuncture points. Epilepsy, menstruation problems, back pain, paralysis, leg pain, thigh pain etc will be cured by giving pressure in these points.

The liver meridian has 14 points. Urination problems, infertility of male, pain in knee joints can be cured by giving treatment in these points.

The acupuncture meridian chart also specifies the location of meridian points in various organs. Normally he Chinese name for these points are given in the chart. For our convenience, English alphabets and numbers are used to specify the points. For example LU1 will indicate the point in the Lung meridian.

Muna wa Wanjiru

Muna wa Wanjiru Has Been Researching and Reporting on Acupuncture for Years. For More Information on Acupuncture Meridian Chart, Visit His Site at Acupuncture Meridian ChartI Will Also Highly Appreciate Your Views On Acupuncture Meridian Chart At My Blog here

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tips on Acupuncture Charts

Poor eating habits, lack of exercise, busy work schedules and stressful life have led to many health disorders. These disorders include, excess weight, blood pressure and many other ailments. These have brought about the need to use acupuncture as a remedy. This would suit many people since they have no chemical side effects. This is as opposed to the use of contemporary medicines which have varying chemical side effects.

Acupuncture charts are an aid in acupuncture treatment. They display the diagrams of the paths of the acupressure points of the body. Their main aim is to display the flow of positive energy in the body. They include details of Chinese therapy such as massage, reflexology, moxibution and many others.

As there are many pressure points in the body, there are also many acupuncture charts. Each chart is specific to a particular part of the body. We have charts for the legs, ears, hands, and many other body parts. They provide accurate acupoints for any one particular organ. This makes it easier for an experienced practitioner to use. As a result diseases, aches and pains are able to be treated with more accuracy. This increases the effectiveness of acupuncture.

Acupuncture charts are therefore important tools for experienced practitioners in the field of acupuncture. They help alleviate, lessen and restore the harmful effects of hectic modern living, and hereditary diseases such as asthma. Nagging aches and pains are also reduced. These charts play a vital role in improving the well being of people. They help people relax and reduce stress.

Peter Gitundu

Peter Gitundu Researches and Reports on Acupuncture. For More Information on Acupuncture Charts, Visit His Site at ACUPUNCTURE CHARTS. You Can Also Add Your Views About Acupuncture Charts At My Blog here ACUPUNCTURE CHARTS.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Acupuncture Charts - A Closer Look At The 14 Meridians

Standard acupuncture charts can be purchased that aid in identifying the name and locations of the meridian and acupoints on the front and back of the human body. An acupuncture chart will accurately show the location of the14 primary meridians as well as some of the extra points. Most acupuncture charts also show the names and locations of meridian and acupoints on lateral sides of the human body. Normally, they also have the international standard nomenclature and alphanumeric codes.

Some acupuncture charts come in sets that may be further divided into smaller sets that show the acupoints on the whole body surface (i.e. the back, neck, front, back and lateral sides of the human body, as well as the trunk of the body and other parts of the anatomy contained in different layers). There are also charts that show the upper limbs. Other acupuncture charts will show the entire human anatomy while others simply show regions of the human anatomy.

The acupuncture chart first became prevalent during the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644) when the Chinese first printed vernacular literature in great numbers. However, over the ensuing hundreds of years they have become increasingly well known. Acupuncture charts appeared in manuals dealing with Chinese medicine and the purpose was both to instruct and identify the proper location of the acupoints. In addition to the reasons just given acupuncture charts were maintained for Chinese medicine which included reflexology, moxibution, massage and a number of other specialties.

Illustrations Aid in Understanding

Acupuncture charts don't explain how to needle the body but rather are diagrams that show the path of channels or meridian conduits as well as the location of acupuncture points. Because there are a great deal of acupuncture points, the acupuncture charts can only display a fraction of the channels and acupuncture points which are being discussed in the text of the chart. As a result, many acupuncture charts correspond with the specific body part, body function or disorder that needs to be treated.

A few common acupuncture charts are for the ear, foot, head and stomach. Other charts also describe healing methods of hot and cold diseases as well as other ailments.

The bottom line with acupuncture charts is that their primary function is to serve as a visual enhancement to the text and they are not intended to stand alone.

Tip - For more information on Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, check out the links below.

Brian Winkels

Visit traditional chinese medicine or chinese herb or oriental medicine for more information on acupuncture.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Acupuncture Charts

As a result of the hectic lifestyles people live today, health disorders have become a common problem. Poor eating habits, busy working schedules and lack of exercise have led to the increase in health problems. These if not well monitored risk your health. Acupuncture charts can easily help you deal with these disorders.

Acupuncture charts are of various kinds. There are those they give details of Chinese therapies such as moxibution, reflexology, massage and many others. They help give guidance and the specifications of acupuncture points. They have have diagrams that show the pressure points of the body. When these pressure points are correctly located, the positive flow of energy in the body is also located. This will help greatly in the successful performance of acupuncture.

Acupuncture charts highlight specific pressure points of various body parts. These can be the stomach, foot, back, head, ears, and many others. As a result, all these body parts have an acupuncture chart specific to them. With these specific charts, the experts are able to administer acupuncture correctly so as to achieve the desired results. People with disorders such as acid reflux, irritable bowel problem, colitis, pricking pains like neck pains, shoulder pains, and muscle sprains, are some of the beneficiaries of acupuncture.

These kind of charts when used by experienced practitioners, will help ease the problems caused by the modern lifestyles. People who suffer from genetic problems such as asthma will also be able to get the much needed relief from their conditions. The charts will be of benefit to those who are not able to use medicines with chemicals which have undesired side effects on them. This is because acupuncture does have chemical side effects.

Peter Gitundu

Peter Gitundu Researches and Reports on Acupuncture. For More Information on Acupuncture Chart, Visit His Site at ACUPUNCTURE CHART. You Can Also Add Your Views About Acupuncture Chart At My Blog here ACUPUNCTURE CHART.

Friday, May 8, 2009

There are Different Acupuncture Charts Available Today

Disorders or health problems have become common for people who lead a hectic and stressful life. These problems are on a higher rise due to many reasons like wrong eating habits, no exercise, busy working schedules and many more. These problems can procure slowly but steadily causing some severe health problem like weight gain, blood pressure etc. The health problems can become severe if not taken care of at the right time. However, the medical treatments might cause side effects along with treatment.

Acupuncture is a sure remedy to all the pains and the diseases without any side effects. This is a treatment done by inserting solid thin steel needles into the skin. These needles are sterilized and are labeled for one time use. It involves the stimulation of the pressure points and the anatomical points by using various techniques. The practitioners use a new needle set every time a new patient is treated. These needles come in a sealed pack and are absolutely safe and hygienic to use. It is recommended to consult an experienced practitioner as a wrong treatment may lead to punctured organs or infections. Before starting with the treatment, the infection spot is cleaned with the disinfectant or some alcohol.

Many acupuncture charts are available in the market. The charts include the details of the Chinese therapy such as massage, reflexology, moxibution etc. These charts display the diagrams of the paths and the location of the acupressure points of the body. The key objective of this chart is displaying the flow of the positive energy in the body.

As there are numerous acupressure points in the human body these chart often display one particular segment of the body, Therefore there can be different charts for head, stomach, foot, back, ears which provide the treatment for the disorder. These charts provide the accurate acupoints of that particular organ making it simpler for use.

Gastrointestinal problems like colitis, irritable bowel problem, acid reflux etc and pains like shoulder pains, neck pains, sciatica, muscle sprains, respiratory disorders like asthma, cold etc and gynecological problems like menstrual cramps, morning sickness and many more can be cured by this treatment. Electro stimulation pads and magnets are used for the needle free healing and give the same effect as that of the needle treatments.

Before proceeding with the treatment, the patients are advised to provide detailed information about medical background to their doctors. This is done to get the brief information about the patient and to know if he/ she has had any medical history or if he/ she is taking any medical treatment. Acupuncture can release a person from the irritating pains and chronic diseases.

This treatment relaxes and gives a feeling of weight loss. Muscular pains are reduced or even in some case, they are eliminated depending on the seriousness or the abnormality of the disease. This therapy works wonders if taken along with the massage therapies. These treatments are sure to correct the disabilities/ abnormalities without any side effects and by taking very less doses of medicines.

Muna wa Wanjiru

Muna wa Wanjiru Has Been Researching and Reporting on Acupuncture for Years. For More Information on Acupuncture Charts, Visit His Site at ACUPUNCTURE CHARTSI Will Also Highly Appreciate Your Views On Acupuncture Charts At My Blog here

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Look at the Different Acupuncture Charts Available

Due to the hectic lifestyle of the people, health problems and disorders have become a common problem. Many reasons like wrong eating habits, busy working schedules, no exercise etc contribute to the higher rise of these problems. Health disorders like blood pressure, weight gain etc may get a hold on the health slowly and steadily. If these health problems are not taken care of in the right time, they can become severe and intense. However, the medical treatments may bring along some kind of side effect with them. An acupuncture chart can easily help you deal with such daily hassles.

Acupuncture is the right remedy for all the disease and the aliments without suffering from any side effects. Acupuncture is done by inserting thin solid steel needles in the affected areas. These needles are for single time use and are available in sterilized packs. The treatment involves activating the pressure points and the anatomical points with the use of different techniques. The experienced practitioners treat every patient with a new set of needles. Each set of needles come in a separate sealed pack and are hygienic and safe to use. However, this treatment must be taken from an experienced practitioner. Wrong treatment can lead into puncturing of the organs thus inviting foreign infections. The infected area is cleaned with the disinfectant or some alcoholic solution before it is treated.

Different acupuncture charts are available to guide us with the specifications of the acupuncture point. These charts provide us with the details of the Chinese Therapies such as moxibution, reflexology, massage etc. These charts demonstrate the diagrams of the paths along with pressure points of the body. The main objective of this chart is to demonstrate the flow of the positive energy in the body.

There are many pressure points in a human body. Acupuncture chart highlights on the specific part of the body in regard with the pressure points. Therefore there are many charts for the different parts of the body i.e. for stomach, foot, back, head and ears that suggests the treatment for the aliment.

Before proceeding with the treatment, the patients are asked to give their details and rest of the information such as medical health report to their doctors. The main aim behind this to get details about the patient and to know if that person has had any medical allergies or if that person is taking any medical history. Acupuncture can provide long-term results against irritating pains and chronic diseases.

Stomach problems like acid reflux , irritable bowel problem, colitis, etc and gynecological problems like , morning sickness menstrual cramps , pricking pains like neck pains, shoulder pains, muscle sprains, sciatica respiratory problems like cold, asthma etc and many more disorders can be cured by this acupuncture . Magnets are used for the needle free treatments and are beneficial for the people who are scared of needles and electro activation pads that give the same effect as that of the needle treatments.

After the treatments, the patient feels relaxed which also gives the feeling of weight loss. Muscle pains and sprains are eliminated or reduced in some cases depending on the severity of the disorder. Massage therapies taken along with the acupuncture therapies can work wonders.

Muna wa Wanjiru

Muna wa Wanjiru Has Been Researching and Reporting on Acupuncture for Years. For More Information on Acupuncture Chart, Visit His Site at ACUPUNCTURE CHARTI Will Also Highly Appreciate Your Views On Acupuncture Chart At My Blog here

Monday, May 4, 2009

This is What an Acupuncture Chart Describes

Modern living means that one has to deal with modern ailments. With the advancement of medicine, many side effects are becoming more complicated to even think about let alone treating them. With increasing use of poor diets and bad exercise programs, if any, people are grappling with chronic and moderate sicknesses that can solely be blamed on lifestyle and use of ineffective medications. People have sought tablet solutions to weight loss, breaking certain norms and the result is increase in health problems, not just physically but mentally. Acupuncture is a Chinese healing method that started in the Ming dynasty and spread to many parts of the world becoming very popular healing method.

An Acupuncture chart is one of the greatest tools used in the reputable world of Chinese medicine. Most people recognize acupuncture by observing needles being stuck on parts of the body. Acupuncture chart is more than this. The Chinese believed that the body had points of energy flow and that other points are more crucial to target to balance the energy in the body. These points are called acupuncture points. These are the points to target and an acupuncture chart describes them. Due to the very many acupuncture points, an acupuncture chart can only describe the most vital points of the body. They provide a visual guide to people on where the procedure should be performed.

Therefore, an acupuncture chart is a diagram that acts as a guide to achieve the intended intention which is to heal. Once one has decided to go for it, the doctor or attendant must first take the medical history of the client and establish whether they have a history of allergies and other related ailments. Then it will be easier to know the focus points that need to be worked on. It has been recorded that this therapy relieves chronic pains in the body and some report that they have been totally cured of the disease. The reason acupuncture has gained so much popularity is because people have come to realize and appreciate its healing properties. The number of acupuncture points cannot be mentioned one by one but, some of them can be classified.

Transporting points also known as command points, are acupuncture points that are located around the fingers, elbows, knees and feet. They consist of more than 12 locations. Connecting points are said to connect and allow blood circulation in the body tissues. Alarm points are located in the abdomen, chest and other major points in the bast area. It has been documented that some people underwent this form of therapy as a sole anesthesia while they underwent major surgeries. Acupuncture is deeply rooted in tested traditions and has proved itself by standing the test of time. Apart from being adapted in our todays complex world, acupuncture charts will continue to guide us on the path of healing. The treatment ends on a relaxed note while others notice immediate results. Usually a good rub of the muscles ends a session while others feel the results afterwards. With so many doctors and people practicing this ancient art, it is worthy giving it a try and seeing the results for yourself.

Muna Wa Wanjiru

Muna Wa Wanjiru Has Been Researching and Reporting on Acupuncture for Years. For More Information on Acupuncture Chart, Visit His Site at ACUPUNCTURE CHART I Will Also Highly Appreciate Your Views On Acupuncture Chart At My Blog here Acupuncture Chart

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